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Coaching Agreement

Coaching is a powerful relationship that supports movement toward greater embodiment and fulfillment. Like all things worthwhile, Coaching requires a commitment from both the coach and the client. I make a big commitment to my clients and I ask the same in return. The following agreements create a strong foundation for us to work together.


  1. We both agree to take responsibility for getting what you want from the coaching process. If anything we do together doesn’t work for you or “feel right,” including my feedback, you will commit to bringing it to my attention so we can explore other options.

  2. In order to enhance the coaching relationship, the Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the program. We both understand that we will communicate in a direct, honest way – giving clear feedback from a constructive and supportive place.

  3. We both agree to communicate with the same level of transparency and authenticity and you will ask for support when you need it.

  4. We both understand that everything you share will be held in the strictest confidentiality.

  5. I will respond to email within 24 hours during the business week (Monday through Friday). If you have a more urgent need for feedback from me, indicate “urgent” in the subject line of the email.  

  6. We will keep all commitments and agreements we make to each other – including any "home practice". You agree to only make agreements that you are committed to keeping. Home practice can always be adjusted as needed.

  7. We both agree to be on time for our sessions

  8. If, for some important reason, you are unable to make a scheduled session, you agree to give me a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. Except in cases of illness or emergency, less than 24-hours’ notice will result in full charge for that session.

  9. Coaching fees are nonrefundable. If I am unable to follow-through with the commitment, you will get all money back for unused sessions. You also have the absolute right to discontinue the coaching relationship at any time.

  10. We both agree to make coaching time sacred in order to receive maximum value. This mean to be in physical space free of distractions that feels safe for you to share what is emerging for you.

  11. I agree to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior established by the International Coach Federation “(ICF)” (

  12. Client acknowledges that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association and that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals and that it is the Client’s exclusive responsibility to seek such in dependent professional guidance as needed. If Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended that the Client promptly inform the mental health care provider of the nature and extent of the coaching relationship agreed upon by the Client and the Coach.


Menu of Services:

  • Single Wellness Session:  This single session is a mix of holistic coaching, parts work, EFT and somatic breathwork. We hold space together and work on whatever is most alive for you in the moment - $125 USD

    Session Packages

  • Three Session Package: This is recommended for clients that have a specific challenge they would like to explore, we hold the container to work on something specific for 3 sessions - $360 USD

  • Five Session Package: Recommended for those clients that are wanting to work on deeper issues -  $575 USD

  • Eight Session Package: Recommended for clients that are on a life journey of exploring transformation -  $880 USD

  • Monthly Support: There is something very powerful that happens when your system knows that there will be designated time to meet once a month. When we anticipate having support it can have far reaching effects - $1260 USD

All fees are payable prior to each session(s). If booking multiple sessions at a discount full payment will be required prior to the first session. Sessions are 60 minutes but will be extended at no additional cost to allow for closure. If we agree on a session date, I will hold that date open for 48 hours until payment is received in advance. After 48 hours the time slot will be opened up for scheduling and cannot be guaranteed that you will be able to schedule that time slot.

If you are not able to make a scheduled session 24-hour notice is appreciated. This is time that I have put aside for us to connect. Unless due to an unforeseen illness or an emergency you will be charged for the session.

Payment is required prior to starting sessions, payments can be made @:

  • Venmo: @insightstudio

  • PayPal: @insightstudio360

I practice both Holistic coaching, EFT and Parts Work.  I am a professional coach trained through Leadership That Works and I am an Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner through EFTi.

Coaching is a process that enables learning, development and transformation to occur and thus live a full and free life.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an approach that involves balancing and restoring your body’s natural energies for the purposes of increasing your vitality, strengthening your mental capacities and optimizing your health.

EFT is not counseling or psychological therapy, and I am not a licensed mental nor health care professional. I do not diagnose or treat any medical or mental health conditions. If I do not feel qualified to help you with an issue you bring up I may recommend you seek alternate treatment. 

EFT is not talk therapy. Although there will be some talking and I will ask you questions, my focus is to get you tapping so you can achieve your goal. For this reason, I may interrupt you. It’s not personal and it’s not meant to be rude - I want to use our time together to your best benefit and tapping will accomplish that faster than talking.

Privacy - Our sessions are completely confidential. I will only keep paper notes of our work together (never kept electronically) and they will be destroyed when our work together is complete. If you have any concerns, please let me know. However, if there is immediate danger to yourself or someone else, I may have to share the information as appropriate. If this should occur, I will tell you. If there is something you don’t want to talk about out loud, there are safe techniques we can use that can be as effective as sharing out loud. Please let me know if you are uncomfortable at any point and we can explore these techniques.

Freedom of Choice - You always have the right to say No, at any point in the process. You decide at moment to moment what you want to share and at what level you want to participate. My number one priority is to ensure a safe environment for my clients.

Session Procedure - Please ensure you have privacy and will not be interrupted during your session. Also I recommend that you have water available to stay hydrated (EFT works better this way), and take care of other body issues like hunger or bathroom breaks before we start so that your body isn’t distracted. Our sessions may be conducted via telephone, Zoom or in person. We will primarily be meeting on Zoom, ( I’ll send you an invitation with a link. When it’s time for our session, just click on the link and meet me in our “room”. I also ask you for a backup number so that we can continue on the phone should we encounter technical difficulties. If you prefer I different method of connecting, please feel free to ask.

What to Expect - Our first session will consist of an introduction to EFT (if required) in addition to tapping. I will also teach you how to tap on your own, because EFT is most effective when you’re using it regularly. Tap on the easier issues on your own, and you can save the tougher, more complex, stubborn issues for our sessions together. I will lead you throughout our session. 

My job is to keep you safe, this means we will probably not jump directly to the big traumas or childhood problems right away. 

A round of EFT generally consists of tapping on the side of the hand, followed by tapping on a series of acu-points on your head and upper torso while talking about specific events and emotions. Generally, it takes several sessions (at least 3) to heal a stubborn problem, because it’s usually propped up by many other factors. Some issues can be resolved in one session.

Goals + Intentions: A good portion of the first session will be working together to establish goals/intentions for our time together. To save time in the process it is best to come to the first session with an understanding of what you hope to get out of your sessions. Together we will establish a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound goal/intention. The nature of EFT is such that intentions and goals shift as awareness is gained and unconscious thoughts and feelings arise. This being said, together we will evaluate and re-adjust goals/intentions as needed throughout our sessions together.

Necessary Disclaimer: I understand that Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and any other tool used in these Wellness Sessions is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease - physical or mental. EFT and these tools are also not intended to replace or substitute regular medical or psychiatric care. If I am on any medications, I understand that it is not recommended to change or stop the prescribed dosage (even if I'm feeling better) and I should seek a medical doctor's advice and guidance for any question I have that is related to my medication.
I understand that Victoria Cali is a certified EFT Practitioner and accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information or techniques presented. I understand that I am strongly advised to seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health-related decisions.

I look forward to working with you on this journey of transformation. Please sign below your acknowledgment and understanding.

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